Ways To Flirt With A Girl
How To Flirt Compliment your crush early in the conversation. Don't chicken out and skip this step — it might seem difficult, but it's incredibly important. A compliment communicates that you're potentially interested in dating, and steers you away from the dreaded friend-zone. If you skip paying your crush a compliment and simply keep the conversation on a friendly level, it might be too late next time. Here are some basic compliments you could use: how to reduce belly fat If you don't know your crush very well yet, but you're working on it, use a compliment oriented in this direction. Say something like, "It's so easy to talk to you," or "I kind of can't believe I'm getting to know someone as interesting as you." Try weaving the compliment into the conversation. For instance, if the girl you like is talking about how she had a terrible day, you could say something like "I hate seeing someone as beautiful as you feel so...